Make your Washers the star of the show,
not your bulkheads

Bulkheads built By Laundry Owners For Laundry Owners

Pretty + Functional

In 20 years of owning laundries, retooling, remodeling, and reimagining what bulkheads can do for us, we’ve solved two problems with bulkheads that laundry owners may not have even realized they had. We loved this solution so much, we patented it and started a company to share it with you!

-Paul Pettefer

Solving 2 Problems:

Problem 1: It’s a pain to work on (or install) the washers inside the bulkhead.

Who likes having to crawl inside the bulkhead to do maintenance or install? Crawling through hoses and wires, stepping around the drain, all while trying not to break anything. With Freedom Bulkheads, you walk upright straight to the back of your washer and take care of business!

Problem 2: To work around problem 1, folks make the bulkheads taller and wider, blocking your guests line of sight in the store, and using up valuable space you can give back to the guests with wider isle space!

With our patented design, you bulkheads are now just below the tops of your washers, giving guests a clear line of sight across the entire laundry. This makes your beautiful washers the star of the show, not the bulkheads. Sure, we want the bulkhead covers to be pretty…pretty and smaller! Those covers shouldn’t impede your guests seeing those already beautiful stainless washers they are looking for!

the story